Laura Mercier Lip Glacé Review
I can't quite place my finger on the scent of this gloss but it makes me feel all nostalgic... it reminds me of a lip smacker I had as a kid (I loved them, especially the ones with the jewels on top). The packaging feels beautiful and even its its simplicity like a small pice of luxury. The gloss glides on to give a sheer nude rose colour, with a texture of silk, no gluey stickiness here.
Have I mentioned I love Laura Mercier products? Well just incase you didn't know, I can't get enough of them! This is yet another one that is a gorgeous, quality product.
I have now been wearing this gloss all day, of course I had to make a few re-applications. The gloss will survive a glass of water or some sliced apple but no luck on it lasting a real meal. My lips also feel reasonably moisturized which is always nice. This is the kind of gloss that will probably live in my handbag because its perfect to apply in a rush with no mirror. But I would also make a lovely top coat to a lipstick or dabbed just in the centres of the lips to give that lovely pull lip effect. These glosses do cost a pretty penny but I would take just one of the over 2-3 drugstore glosses any day.